Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing

Know the Risks

Every year, thousands of workers in Britain develop occupational diseases from breathing in certain dusts, fumes or other airborne contaminants at work.

Know the Law

The COSHH Regulations 2002 require that Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) systems are thoroughly examined and tested at least every 14 months, more regular for some substances and processes.

Know We Can Help

Dukeries Environmental Testing are specialists in providing comprehensive Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) testing services to employers who use LEV to control dust, fumes and airborne contaminations, ensuring workers are kept in a safe environment.

COSHH Regulations 2002, and HSE Guidance Note HS(G)258:

“The maintenance, examination and testing of local exhaust ventilation”

All of our test and examination of LEV systems fulfils the requirements of the COSHH Regulations 2002 and the HSE Guidance Note HS(G)258, including measurements of static pressure, transport velocity, and face velocity. All test reports clearly show test data along with any repairs undertaken, and all our recommendations in order to ensure the systems’ continued effectiveness.

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